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Rummage Sale Volunteers NEEDED 2024

Rummage Sale Volunteers NEEDED 2024

July 21, 2024 - July 28, 2024    
All Day

RUMMAGE SALE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!   PLEASE take a some time out of your schedule to help us set up for our largest fundraiser for Religious Ed and the BEST Rummage Sale around…


¨ Sun., July 21 following 8am Mass moving boxes to the cafeteria

¨ July 22 thru 25 8:30am-8pm helping hang clothes & organize sale items

¨ July 26 thru 27 work a shift during the sale (Call Ginny Selkirk-812-934-4676)

¨ July 28 at 1pm to pack up leftovers, remove tables & racks.

MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!  Hope to see you there!