Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]
Listening Session - Topic: Saturday Evening Mass Time
We would like to hear your input on the Mass Times for Saturday Evening. Should we have it at 4:30pm or 5:30pm? Join us in [...]
Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]
Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]
Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]
First Holy Communion
Our 2nd grade classes are celebrating their First Holy Communion. Fr. John Barker, ofm will be celebrating this sacrament with the classes. Please pray for [...]
Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]
Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]
Please pray for our young parishioners as they confirm their faith with Archbishop Charles C. Thompson. May they continue to seek and grow in their [...]
Rummage Sale Collection & Sorting
WE ACCEPT: All donations must be CLEAN & USABLE & WORKING. Items accepted are clothing, dishes, glassware, antiques, books, puzzles, records, furniture, desks, pots & pans, craft [...]