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Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA): Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a gradual process in which adult inquirers learn more about the Roman Catholic Faith. OCIA is the ordinary way by which adults are brought into full communion with the Catholic faith, whether from another denomination or through Baptism.

Are you…

  • curious about the Catholic faith?
  • a baptized Catholic who would like to reconnect with your faith?
  • struggling to discover the meaning and purpose of your life?
  • interested in learning about Jesus Christ and his desire to give you life in abundance?

Our 2024-2025 Candidates start their process into learning more about the Roman Catholic Faith. Please pray for these candidates and their journey.

For more information please contact Beth Geis or Father John Barker.

Future dates: July 8, August 8.

Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC): Are you a family that is interested in becoming Catholic & don’t know what the next steps are in becoming Catholic? Please contact Beth Geis and she help guide you based on family needs. It will vary for each family.